
- Froze tax levy at 0% increase in 2021 and 2022
- Founded Road Watch
and facilitated Neighbourhood Watch
- Reduced high-density high-rise buildings to townhouses
- Adopted Age Friendly Community strategy to promote seniors’ active living
- Secured Yonge North Subway and National Historic Site for DDO

Keep property taxes low in Richmond Hill as well as York Region
- engage public in annual budgeting process eg. use "Citizen Budget" tool
- hold public consultation sessions each year
Strengthen Public Safety - increase police-community dialogues
- hold Town Hall meetings with Police Superintendent
- increase diverse community membership at Police District Liaison Committee
Engage other levels of government and industry to address housing supply and affordability issues
- examine use of the tools recommended by the Region and City's Affordable Housing Task Force
- complete Official Plan process with a balanced planning approach that respects community character
Improve service delivery for businesses and residents of all ages
- develop user-experience approach for designing responsive services that better meet users' needs
- implement Age-Friendly strategy- propose free transit rides for seniors at off-peak hours
Promote stronger sense of community belonging
- initiate City-wide Children Festival; return the "Taste of the Hill" event
- resume Parks Ambassador to enhance safety at parks and open spaces